Making a swap with uniswapv3 and biconomy smart account

I’m trying to make a swap using uniswap v3 and batch transaction with smart account in biconomy. This includes 3 transaction, the approval of WETH, Wrapping on ETH to WETH and the SWAP between WETH and user provided token.
The approval and wrapping is going through but as I include the swap transaction in batch it’s failing, can you help me out?

This is my wethCheckApproval function

const wethCheckApproval = async (userAddress, amount) => {
  try {
    const checkAllowance = await wethContract.functions.allowance(
    const allowanceAmount = BigInt(checkAllowance.toString());
    console.log("checkAllowance", allowanceAmount);
    const approveMax =
    const value = ethers.BigNumber.from(
      await ethers.utils.parseUnits(amount.toString(), "ether")
    const amountInWei = BigInt(value.toString());
    console.log("amountInWei", amountInWei);
    if (allowanceAmount < amountInWei) {
      console.log("In approval");
      const approveData = await wethContract.populateTransaction.approve(
      const gas = await wethContract.estimateGas.approve(
      const approveTx = {
        to: wethAddress,
        gas: gas,
      return approveTx;
    } else {
      console.log("Have allowance");
      return { to: wethAddress, data: "0x" };
  } catch (err) {
    console.log("wethCheckApprovalError", err);
    return { to: wethAddress, data: "0x" };

This is my wrapping of ETH-WETH function

const checkWethBalance = async (userAddress, amount) => {
  try {
    const wethBalance = await wethContract.functions.balanceOf(userAddress);
    const balance = BigInt(wethBalance.toString());
    console.log("weth_balance", balance);
    const value = ethers.BigNumber.from(
      await ethers.utils.parseUnits(amount.toString(), "ether")
    const amountInWei = BigInt(value.toString());
    if (balance < amountInWei) {
      const wrapData = await wethContract.populateTransaction.deposit();
      const gas = await wethContract.estimateGas.deposit();
      const wrapTx = {
        to: wethAddress,
        gas: gas,
        value: amountInWei,
      return wrapTx;
    } else {
      console.log("Have enough weth balance");
      return { to: wethAddress, data: "0x" };
  } catch (err) {
    console.log("checkWethBalanceError", err);
    return { to: wethAddress, data: "0x" };

This is my swap function where I’m sending the batch transaction

const Buy = async (tokenAddress, amount, fee) => {
  try {
    const pairExist = await checkPair(wethAddress, tokenAddress, fee);
    if (pairExist) {
      const account = await createSmartAccount();
      const address = await account.getAccountAddress();
      const wethCheckTx = await wethCheckApproval(address, amount);
      const wethBalanceTx = await checkWethBalance(address, amount);
      console.log("Swapping token to Buy");
      const latestBlock = await provider.getBlock("latest");
      const timestamp = BigInt(latestBlock.timestamp);
      const deadline = timestamp + BigInt(60) * BigInt(10);
      const value = ethers.BigNumber.from(
        await ethers.utils.parseUnits(amount.toString(), "ether")
      const amountInWei = BigInt(value.toString());
      // console.log(deadline);
      const swapData =
        await routerContract.populateTransaction.exactInputSingle({
          tokenIn: wethAddress,
          tokenOut: tokenAddress,
          fee: fee,
          recipient: address,
          deadline: Number(deadline),
          amountIn: amountInWei,
          amountOutMinimum: 0,
          sqrtPriceLimitX96: 0,
      console.log("swapData", swapData);

      const gas = 250000;
      const swapTx = {
        to: routerAddress,
        gas: gas,
      console.log("swapTx", swapTx);

      let userOp = await account.buildUserOp(
        [wethCheckTx, wethBalanceTx, swapTx],
        { skipBundlerGasEstimation: true }

      console.log("userOp", userOp);
      const userOpResponse = await account.sendUserOp(userOp);
      console.log("userOpHash", userOpResponse);
      const { receipt } = await userOpResponse.wait(1);
      console.log("txHash", receipt.transactionHash);
    } else {
      console.log("Cannot swap pair doesn't exist");
      return "Cannot swap pair doesn't exist";
  } catch (err) {
    console.log("BuyError", err);

can someone help me out
This is the error I’m facing