Who do you think would be the ideal projects to use our services? - Gasless and Hyphen

Hey Biconauts

We’re looking for project recommendations and warm connections to all those Web 3 projects that can benefit from our products. Please share your thoughts in the comments and we’ll try to contact them.

A quick summary for reference -

Gasless - Simple API that allows you to make any on-chain transaction gasless, abstracting blockchain complexities and simplifying UX. You can find more details here.

Hyphen - Hyphen provides simple APIs that let you quickly offer instantaneous value transfers between EVM chains, various L2s & allow quick onboarding from L1 to L2s. You can find more details here.

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Growth, Biconomy


Hi Rohan,
Gasless should be used with ENS domains.

Hyphen can be used with all the different layer 2 solution such as zksync, arbitrum, optimism

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